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A Ride with the Starz!


I just returned from a few days of riding with some of the crew from Dirt Bike magazine. The infamous editor Ron Lawson and the newbie assistant editor Mark Tilley. They we kind enough to bring an extra test bike for me to thrash…..I mean ride. It was a ton of fun and quite an eye opener. When these guys test bikes they have no intention of going easy on them and are not worried about giving a bike back with a few bent and broken parts. It is truly a let’s see how this thing holds up and what needs fixing kind of test.

They did some photos and videos that I am looking forward to seeing because they talked me into jumping the Beta test bike through a tree!  I laughed and asked what if I crash the bike and break something?  They said it is not your bike, don’t worry about it we will get it fixed! I thought about it for a minute and said to myself I may never get another chance like this. I figured I could always jump off if it got too scary.  I would never try this on my bike because I still have to pay for all the parts. Mark told me the video would show up on Dirt Bike’s face book page or their video section on their website. I can hardly wait, I get to be a star for a minute!

We also did some trail riding to take some pictures and ended up finding some rocky canyons that were not motorcycle friendly before we rode down them. I like riding with these guys because they love to explore never ridden areas. Since I also love to explore, I fit right in with these two. Sure hope I get to go back to do more “testing”.

Wannabe test rider  #33

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