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500x Baja Celebration Party!

500x Baja Champion Marc Princ and his wife Debra threw a celebration party for all the riders that helped them earn the Class 50 #1 plate for 2012.  The Class 50 winner is issued the coveted 500x for the next racing year in the Baja 250, 500 and 1000.

The day was fun from start to finish as Marc had us all meet at the picturesque motocross track known as Zaca Station. It is located near the coast in the rolling hills near Santa Barbara. Having never been there I was looking forward to riding Zaca Station since I had read about it and had seen pictures in many ads and magazines. It was just as good as the photos showed. The rolling hills provided elevation change, the jumps were any level ability friendly without being dumbed down to make it boring and the track was prepared nicely.  Anyone could ride this track and have a good time no matter the rider ability. It was well thought out and nicely prepped. The next thing I noticed throughout the day was it was never crowded even without the novice/expert or little bike big bike practice splitting. Riders cycled themselves on and off the track by tiring themselves out just having a good time. Everyone rode together without any problems which maximized ride time. Good job Zaca!

When we were sufficiently tired we loaded up and headed to Marc and Debra’s house to start the party! This was a treat for me since they live in Malibu. I had only seen Malibu on TV whenever the news shows something about one of the movie stars that live there. Debra went all out and provided some great food, drinks and a big screen TV to watch the Anaheim Supercross! We visited, told some whoppers, ate and watched the racing on TV. During all this Debra brought out the plaques for each rider that helped Marc win the 500x plate. She also made a special award for the 3 race series participants that was very nice. It was a commemorative bottle of Tequila with the race series, year and participants name emblazed on the bottle in a very nice display container. The container had two shot glasses just in case it was ever used for more than a trophy. I think I will just keep mine as a trophy.

After the races and the presentation it was time to go back to the ghetto so we said good bye to Malibu and started the long drive home since I pretty much figured I was going riding somewhere the next day! What a surprise, huh?

#33 aka 500x

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