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Maximum Traction!

The 30 second board is up...

You concentrate on your gate, you flex the clutch lever. Your heartrate jumps. Next to you is your buddy on his identical 450. You're ready to smoke him to the first turn. The gate drops, you dump the clutch and watch as your buddy roosts away. What's going on here? You blast by him down the back straight but he quickly knifes under you in the hard, dry, flat corner at the end of the straight. That corner is marbles, how did he do that? His bike has the same tires as mine, what gives? He is awfully sneaky he must have found some new secret. Maybe he got one of those new low pressure tire things we heard about. Maybe you should check out www.tubesaddle.com.



Great product! I have over 5K miles on a couple now and have not pinch flatted since installing one, even with a trials tire at 9 psi.

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