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MXoN Team Switzerland 

The team around Team Manager Mat Rebeaud, Diego Clément and Fabian Tellenbach is optimistic that the Swiss team, which has set itself the goal of finishing in the top 5, can reach the podium. A very ambitious goal but not impossible. Driven by emotions and passion, the riders and the entire team are working hard behind the scenes on their preparations to show themselves in the best possible light.

Switzerland will be represented by a strong and experienced trio of riders:

Jeremy Seewer: No. 16 MXGP

Arnaud Tonus: No. 17 MX2

Valentin Guillod: No. 18 MXOpen

This combination put the team in sixth place last year, tied on points with the fifth-placed team. We can already say that our team will be by far the most experienced at the starting gate. It will be the 11th participation for Arnaud Tonus, the 12th for Jeremy Seewer and the 13th for Valentin Guillod.

A special highlight for the Swiss fans in England will be the Swiss House. This meeting point has been organized for our Swiss fan community. Exclusive packages will be on offer, including tickets, food and fan merchandise. This offers a great opportunity to support the Swiss riders on site and to experience unforgettable moments together.

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