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Team Netherlands MXoN 2024


The 2024 Team Netherlands has been officially presented for the 2024 Motocross of Nations in Matterley Basin on October 4,5 & 6. As it was expected, it is a strong lineup with Jeffrey Herlings, Kay de Wolf and Calvin Vlaanderen. Netherlands looks to have a strong team for the 2024 Motocross of Nations

After a two-year absence due to injuries, Jeffrey Herlings is back onboard to wear his country colors. This will be his eight represenantion and the first one since 2021. In MX2 there were no surprises either, as the selected rider has been the current leader of the world championship, Kay de Wolf. The OPEN spot will be filled by Calvi Vlaanderen, winner of MXoN 2019 alongside Herlings.

Last year Team Netherlands finished 19th after as Glenn Coldenhoff couldn´t line up for Sunday motos due a crash in the OEPN qualifying race.


  • MXGP – Jeffrey Herlings #55
  • MX2 – Kay de Wolf #56
  • Open – Calvin Vlaanderen #57


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