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Rumor KTM Dropping Two Strokes?

How do these stupid rumors get started?

KTM’s 2026 two-stroke range is reportedly under development as we speak.

If you’re an enduro and motocross fan, chances are you’ve seen some articles circulating online stating that KTM is discontinuing its two-stroke range of dirt bikes from 2026 onwards. With ever-tightening emissions regulations year after year, this certainly isn’t surprising.

But is it even true?

Well, luckily, we can all breathe a sigh of relief, as it seems that KTM has no intentions of killing off its two-stroke models, at least for now. This was confirmed by the folks over at Zona Enduro in Romania, who contacted KTM Romania regarding the matter. According to area sales manager Emilian Stefan, the rumors circulating are all “fake news.”


2025 KTM XC And XC-F Are Ready To Rip Up The Trails© RideApart.com

But the folks at Zona Enduro didn’t stop there. They went straight to KTM’s Off-Road Product Marketing Manager, Diete Engelbrecht regarding the matter, and he was quick to clear the air. “KTM will continue to produce two-stroke enduro bikes! That fake news has reached our ears, we will come with an official statement to clarify the situation to reassure our fans. Yes, for the 2026-2027 models we are already developing the engines that must pass the Euro5+ standard, but there is no question of stopping production,” he said.

RideApart has also reached out to KTM, as well as to Diete Engelbrecht directly, and is still waiting for comment. We’ll be sure to update this story once we hear back from Diete, but for now, we can all rest easy knowing that our beloved orange two-stroke machines will brap into the future.

Contrary to popular belief, two-stroke engines can indeed run clean, and comply with the latest emission standards. Sophisticated injection and exhaust systems—like KTM’s transfer port injection—mean that today’s two-stroke machines are pretty clean and efficient. In fact, nearly all enduro and off-road manufacturers continue offering two-stroke bikes.

And so, while electrification is indeed making its way into the mainstream motocross and enduro scene, there’s no denying that there’s still a place for the good old two-stroke. And hopefully, as manufacturers continue to push the boundaries of what an internal combustion engine can do, they’ll be around for many more years to come.

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