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Haaker Out With Injury!

colton haaker ama endurocross action injury 1000

Photo Credit: Tanner Yeager

It’s been confirmed by Husqvarna, that defending two-time EnduroCross champion Colton Haaker will miss the remainder of the EnduroCross series due to injury.

If you follow Haaker on his vlogs, you will have known this news was coming down the tracks - especially with the recently titled "My elbow is the size of a baseball...".

Haaker’s mentioned an on-going injury with elbow and has now had to stop racing in order to allow it to heal properly.

Injured in EnduroCross duty and then aggravating it again with a crash at Red Bull Straight Rythym, saw his participation in that race end with a hospital visit.

Haaker was in a face-off against Marvin Musquin, but was only able to ride one of his three heat races.

Haaker's elbow surgery

Blowing up like a, well, baseball, Haaker since went to hospital — we believe Wednesday — for minor surgery to remove the Bursa Sac in his elbow and clean up the remainder of an existing staph infection.

While unfortunately that’s his shot at a title hat trick lost, it’s hoped he’ll be back raring to go for the defence of his SuperEnduro crown in Poland on December 9th.

Webb back for SuperEnduro 2018

In endurocross circles, that leaves Cody Webb as the rider to beat in this year’s title chase.

Webb leads the series heading into round five of seven in Arizona this weekend, having won the last three races on the bounce.

Incidentally, Webb is also scheduled to return to the SuperEnduro for the 2018 series.

After a year’s absence, Webb back in the mix for Poland sets the scene for some close battles against Haaker, Alfredo Gomez, Jonny Walker, Mario Roman and more.



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