
CZ World Championship Coming April 23-24

Well known industry rep Bruce Young will be at the CZ World Champiionship in Marysville, CA. representing the rebirth of world famous Preston Petty products. Yes, this is the same Bruce Young many of you know from HI Point days where he worked with most of the great riders from back in the day. Come on out, swap stories and enjoy a day of vintage racing.


The eyes of the vintage motocross world will be on the E. Street MX Complex in Marysville, CA, on the weekend of April 23 and 24 for the Third Annual Don Matthews CZ World Championship and Vintage Motocross.

A celebration of everything CZ, riders from eleven countries scheduled to participate including the only non-American winner of the Superbowl of Motocross l974 winner, Jaroslav Falta and his teammate Zedneck Velky.  Both Falta and Velky will be honored and receive a special presentation award along with American stars including Brad Lackey, Lori Payne, Rex Staten, the "Flyin’ Hawaiian" John Desoto, Gary Chaplin, Marty Tripes, Harry Klemm and other well-known stars of motocross past.

Opening day ceremonies Saturday will include a pancake breakfast served by the Marysville Boy Scouts of America, a morning practice with legends of CZ past, both American and international stars taking to the track demonstrating different styles unique to their home countries followed by a chronological “Show of CZ’s” on the start straightaway. A BBQ and CZ bike auction will be held at 2 PM.

Sunday, April 24 the E. ST. MX back track will feature the International Class of riders from around the world racing on vintage CZ’s for the bragging rights of the fastest 250 and 500 CZ.  At intermission Sunday, the North Versus South race will pit former FOX Factory racers Donnie Cantaloupi and Danny Turner against the Southern California team of CALVMX Champions Clark Jones and Nick LaPaglia, senior.  All mounted on beautiful vintage CZ motocross bikes.

Gates open both days at 6 AM, rain or shine.  Tickets will be available at the gate. For more information, go to Bring your family and your camera to capture this largest gathering of Czechoslovakian CZ and Jawa motorcycles in the world.

Preston Petty Rep Bruce Young will be at Marysville showing all the new Preston Petty products.

Bruce says "I will be there both days, and will have booth set up to display the new items we have at this time.  MX  front fenders, Number Plates, Enduro headlights plates, Enduro rear lited fenders, and other smaller items. I will have new product available to buy if one wishes to save a little shipping fees etc.  They can check colors and material of the items as well with their own machines and if they wish to buy they can take the item home with them.  No shipping.  Now days a big savings."



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