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Pit Crew Rehab Tour Extended

The last update on the #33 pit crew (Cheryl) had her hobbling along on crutches for an estimated 4 weeks as recommended by the doctor.

4 weeks came and went so it was time for another trip to an Urgent care in Montana for another x-ray to find out how the foot was progressing. Well the news was not as good as we had hoped. The fractured bone was healing but not at the rate we had expected. So the physician sentenced her to another 2 to 4 weeks of crutch time. The idea is that there be no weight bearing on that foot until the fracture was deemed healed enough. So that means 2 to 4 more weeks of carting around a huge wrapped foot or wear the oversized splint/boot they apparently repossessed from some basketball player with a size 16 shoe.

Fortunately we have a buddy, aka Montana John, who spent a great many years working in the prosthetic profession making and fitting people with prosthetic devices so that they may live a more normal life.  Montana John or M.J.  offered to make an insert that would do the same thing as the monster boot and could actually be worn in a tennis shoe. It would offer the needed support without the exaggerated size and bulkiness of the boot.

M.J. takes me and the shoe down to his shop and proceeds to bust out a custom insert support. He does it by shaping leather, hard special purpose made plastic and some glue along with a short stint on a machine that he uses to grind and shape the pieces until he is holding a finished product. It doesn’t take him long either, I would guess he had it together in less than an hour. I think he has done this before!

So for the next few weeks #33’s pit crew can hobble around  with a more normal looking shoe, but the crutches are still a dead giveaway that living in the mobile ghetto can be dangerous!

I wonder if I should get her a helmet while she is on crutches………………just sayin’


“Aspire to Inspire before you Expire”


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