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#33 Injury Report

Runs with Scissors

A while back I wrote about coming back and doing rehab after an injury. Well it is sort of looking like here we go again. Having just taken a tumble at an OTHG race it seems I may be in for some repair on my thumb. The crash was nothing spectacular so I don’t have a big story to tell you about how I was going over 100 mph when I suddenly had to avoid a couple of Nuns praying or even a group of children on their way to church. No such luck. I was simply racing on a motocross track when I exceeded my limits of traction entering a muddy, slippery turn and lost the front end. Of course instinct took over and I must have stuck my hand out instinctively to break my fall. It didn’t work too well as my hand/thumb hit the ground and stopped while my body/bike with all that forward momentum continued right along their merry way. My thumb was folded back until I am fairly certain it touched my elbow! So in the ER the attending physician informed me it was REALLY broken and I would need to see a specialist.

About now I am wondering what exactly does “REALLY broken” mean and I start catching on when he uses the words pins and screws……………..Doh!!!!!!

So now here I am typing with one hand while I wait for the phone call from the specialist I am being referred to. All the while keeping my fingers (on the good hand) crossed that he will give me a pat on the head and sends me on my way. 

I just had a great idea!  Since my ATLAS neck brace works so well maybe they have an ATLAS thumb brace.  Ok, gotta go make some calls to see.

Ride Safe,


Reader Comments (1)

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Thumb Splints

June 15, 2016 | Unregistered Commentermanish

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