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Merry Christmas and a Happy Rehab Year!

The #33 blog has been down due to maintenance.  But the maintenance has been on rider #33, not the website.  I didn’t want to be compared to a health care website so I actually recruited someone who could type for me rather than make excuses. 

For those of you who are aware of my accident during the Baja 1000 and have seen the not so pretty pictures of the injury to my hand will understand my lack of posting on MX43.com lately.  I am currently parked on the couch watching daytime TV until I heal enough to begin rehab on my hand.  Oh wait, Jerry Springer just came on…..okay shows over, now where was I?  Oh yes, the crash in Baja.  Did I mention I’m on pain meds?  If you stay tuned we will do our best to post some pre-run video I shot the day before the race/crash.  The video will show a very rocky nasty road section that I describe during the video as being very dangerous and my least favorite section each time I ride it.  My worst fears expressed in the video actually occurred.  I hit a rock I never saw and was launched off the course into a boulder field and impacted so violently that my left hand was crushed.  I was able to restart the bike and slowly ride out looking for help.

After making it to a highway and linking up with medical assistance I was taken by helicopter to San Felipe where I was temporarily patched up and sent off to a major hospital in the states.  The following day a very good hand specialist repaired the damage and set me on the path to recovery.  Once I complete my recovery and begin riding I will no doubt have to relearn how to use the clutch with a couple of shorter fingers. 

I have been so touched by the number of friends that ask if I will now use a Rekluse clutch as they chuckle.  I have even received a Rekluse clutch brochure in the mail from one of those caring individuals.  The guy just cracks me up!  So if you don’t see me posting on #33 blog for a while it is not because  I don’t want to, it is because I am temporarily unable to type and have to recruit help to post anything. 

So have a Merry Christmas and a great New Year!  I hope 2014 is your best riding year ever, I know it will be for me because I will begin riding in a month or two.  A big “Thank You” to everyone for your emails, texts, phone calls and cards wishing me well and a speedy recovery.


 “Challenges can be stepping stones or stumbling blocks.  It’s just a matter of how you view them.”

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