Hangtown 50 Years New
Friday, May 18, 2018 at 1:04PM

I found this in our archives and thought it was a good time to bring it out again. The 50th Hangtown anniversary is just days away.

The Nationals have not always been the smooth running programs we see these days. In the early days the weather sometimes made conditions challenging especially for the spectators. Many of you more seasoned riders may remember days like this. One of the all time classics is the 1975 Hangtown National at the old Plymouth track. I always liked this track but not in these type of conditions. I was actually at this race as a spectator. This is the first race I ever took my wife to, I'm surprised I ever got her to another. Thanks to Dave Duarte one of the early Dirt Diggers North for sending this to us. I'm sure Dave was probably knee deep in mud on this day back in '75



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